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We thank all the original up-loaders, without whom our aim would not have been successful......We are heartily thankful to RajComics Fan Nation(RFN), EC universe, and original up-loaders like Rated Superstar, RKO uploads, Vinod Rathore, ManishZMR, etc. Thanx frndz, without you it would not have been possible. And last but not least Mr. Raj from Raj Comics Hai Mera Janoon community, i am personally thankful to him

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Dear Friends,
         Have you ever realised the good the old days were, when we were child and we were fond of comics. Am a male of 25 years of age. WHen i was a child, computer games were not so much famous among children, because they didn't come into so much of existense those days. Actualy they were not upto the market in the corner of the world where I live. I still remember those days in India where computer games didn't came into so much of existense. Rather at that time, video games were very popular among children, which i considerably think as the forefathers of what we call today as Computer games.

         During those days and years before them, comics were the ultimate choice of children as their indoor amusements. I still remember those days when I myself read comics and was just a die hard fan of such novelties. Actually when a child start reading, he is not so much accustomed to read books. To grow up interests in reading, a child is provided with books with less writings and lots of pictures. From this concept, came the idea of producing what we call comics. Comics were generally much more attractive to these children rather than those other books. Later comics became a trendz.

          Nowadays, children of these era, they like computer games very much, and as such they are just getting away from the habit of reading. Moreover so much of comics books are published nowadays that its totally impossible for a guy to keep all the issues as souvinier. Just try to think 100 comics books as hardcopy,
lot of space, but what if we can just keep soft-copies. They can just take a hard-disk, and bingo you can have all your favourite comics without affording much of your bedroom.
          This blog is meant to gather up all your favourite comics at a simple space, so whenever you need, just make a click. I know creating a blog to meet everybodies demand is really a tough nut to crack, but i will try my best.

          Thanks again friendz, just be a little bit patience, because this blog is new and under construction. Moreover, uploading lots of stuffs need some time.

                                                                                                                         Thanks to All