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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nagayan Series

Nagayana is a Raj Comics mega event published in the summer of 2007 - 08. Nagayan depicts the alternate future of Nagraj and Super Commando Dhruva. It was created with the imagination of an otherwise future that these two superheroes faced in their lifetime. This series  is believed to be one of the mega-epics in the history of Indian comics and as such was very successful to attract more readers' attention. The star-cast of the series was huge as this series also reviewed many of the  forgotten characters, one of them being Nakshatra( who first appeared  in the Jung issue of Super Commando Dhruv series). 
             First Comic of the series titled Varan Kaand was released in the June 2007. Nagayana was supposed to be finished by Diwali, the biggest Hindu festival. This did not happen because Raj Comics has decided to release other comics in between as well and the series has been moved into 2009. The series finally ended in March 2009 with Iti kand. 
The series was inspired by the Hindu epic Ramayan and as such the story has many events as resembling a bit to Ramayan. This series of an alternative taste gained lot of readers' applause, though many readers' criticised it as they thought the epic should have been a more little bit realistic, and that Super Commando Dhruv was a bit side-linned. Nevertheless this was a very successfull hit.

The Nagayan Series is follows in sequentially published issues::

Varan Kand - Pratham Khand

Grahan Kand - Dwitiya Khand

Haran Kand - Tritiya Khand

Sharan Kand - Chaturth Khand

Dahan Kand - Pancham Khand

Rann Kand - Shastham Khand

Samar Kand - Saptam Khand

Iti Kand - Ashtam Khand o Sesh Khand 

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