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Saturday, December 25, 2010


Indra(ManojComics) could be easily compared to the similar character named Inspector Steel(RajComics), though they have different storyline regarding their origin. Which of these gained the edge over other, is realy hard to tell, but still one thing according to me can be said. They both are un-comparable.
        Indra was a cop in his previous life, and due to an unavoidable circumstances, his brain was transplanted into a robo, which caused the rise of a machine who was once a human. Indra's wife is unaware of this matter, and she is leading the life of a widow.
           A unique character was presented by Manoj-Comics teams in the name of Indra. Though later Indra lagged behind in the race of Character supremacy, still he can easily be stated as a worthy creation from Manoj Comics team.

           Following are some of the Indra Comics. Hope you will like them.

Cactus Dragosaur Indr Ka Jaljala Indr ki Kabr

Khiladi Lady Robot Lal Quila Gayab Lukasa

Mega-Robo Mujhe Indra Chahiye No Man's House Power Crystal

Robot Ki Hatya Saare Jahaan se Uncha Shango Snake-King

Tamma Tu Time Bomb Turbine

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